Sunday, October 19, 2008

Be Afraid....very Afraid.......

Hopefully, if you've been following the presidential election this last week or so, you'll understand the message that John McCain is sending out there; Barak Obama is SCARY!!! He'll raise your taxes! He'll create a healthcare system that works-socialist! He was on a charity board with a guy who was a radical in the sixties-be afraid!!

Now, for the rest of us, as we sit and wonder what it is exactly they're thinking, here's something that should make you a little nervous: not only have McCain-Palin supporters been yelling things like "Terrorist" or "Kill Him" at their rallies, (link here: their supporters are now hanging effigies of Obama. Yes, that's right. And it's not because he doesn't like his policies, or thinks John McCain is a better person: he doesn't believe that a black man should be running a country. That's right; he is racist. Openly so. Am i the only person who thinks that racism is an artifact of the 20th Century-and should stay that way? (link

It gets better-or worse, depending on your view. Now, it's understandable to think that there's maybe one man getting in touch with his inner klansman. How about a group in California? Yes, the president of a group in San Bernandino called the Chafee Community Republican Women Federated of the Inland Empire, decided to put out what she called "Obama bills" because Obama once said that he didn't look like the guys on the dollar bills. Of course, what did she put it on? Food Stamps. That's right-the first black president will go on food stamps. Now, since they didn't get the point across with the food stamps, there are four food items surrounding the picture: KFC, Watermelon, Kool-Aid, and BBQ Ribs. (link here: Keep watching till the end-it's there.

Of course, none of this matters, because the economy is still going into a depression. No wait, it's a slowdown. The difference? In a depression, the president actually has to do something to help the people or else he's roasted over a spit. In a slowdown, he can just smile, wave and let someone else take care of it. Apparently, because the Dow didn't go down any farther, things are "looking up". Right.....except that a year ago it was around 14,000, and now it's about 8,500....and we just had to bail out the banks....and people are still getting foreclosed out of thier holmes...and losing their retirement money....

But that's reality. And John McCain doesn't like reality-because, as we all know, reality has a well known liberal bias.


Ash said...

I don't know that Obama is anything special seeing that he went right along with Bush to print $700 billion out of thin air. I say the hell with both of the Pres. candidates. I think it's a politician's nature to steer clear from reality, black or white, Republican or Democrat. Let me know when there's a candidate that actually cares about the American people and not the interests of the health care industry and the Industrial Military Complex. Until then, I'm going to make it easy on myself and just vote third party...

Blank said...

Mark my words, the world of politics is no place for a young man. It is a world of lost potential.

Rothwell-Gornt could do with a man such as yourself.

Best of joss,

celavi789 said...

@ ash: True, i didn't see any real reason to bail out the bankers and the hedge fund people who got us here in the first place-especially with the deficit we're running now, it made almost no sense for either candidate to vote for the bailout. But....if i look at each's tax plan, i think that Obama has the one that comes closer to getting us out of a deficit. And it seems to me that his health and education policies are more likely to actually have an effect on people. But i could be wrong.

@ guillan: that is a great book. is John Rhys-Davis your avatar? Cool :)

Blank said...
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Quillan Gornt said...

Unlike the banks, Rothwell-Gornt will not be seeking taxpayers money. We retain a Tier 1 capital ratio that would make the Noble House - and many of your American institutions - blush.

Sir, spelling Ian Dunross' name incorrectly would be more than acceptable. But spelling the name of Quillan Gornt's (note the "Q") is a tragedy.

Best of joss,