Friday, October 31, 2008

My Kool-Aid? Right.....'s amazing what happens when journalistic integrity goes out the window. Oh wait-they're not journalists, are they?
In an article from Urban Grounds, the website (which actually doesn't link to any news organization-it just links to another blog...way to go firsthand reporting) claims that the Obama campaign unfairly kicked out three "major newspapers" that endorsed McCain, and went on to wonder "is this the kind of thing that would happen during an Obama administration?" (right....cause it's not like Bush ever restricted the press's access to him) The three newspapers? The Washington Post, New York Post, and Dallas Morning News. Pretty scary, huh? Three big newspapers kicked off the airplane that all endorsed McCain?
(link here)

Not exactly. Go to the link they provide (here) and you'll find that it's the Washington Times, not the Washington Post. Difference? oh, about 570,922 readers. The New York Post (which is owned by Rupert Murdoch of the Fox News persuasion) has a readership of 724,728 which admittedly is pretty big....unless you look at the New York Times readership (which we're counting as weekday readers, not weekend) is 1,077,256. Wow-it sounds like the Obama campaign just wanted the largest newspapers of the cities on it's plane...not a scandal. The Dallas Morning News, reaching 368,313 probably has the bad fortune of not being in a battleground state. And where did i pick up these nefarious numbers? Umm...wikipedia. Oh, and by the way...even though the New York Post has around 700,000 readers, it's the 3rd largest paper in New York...behind the Times and Daily News. Ooops.
1) Washington Post
2) Washington Times
3) New York Times
4) New York Post
5) Dallas Morning News

Yeah...this blog is definately aimed at conservatives. The author doesn't call Obama by his name-he calls him the "Chosen One". (who knows? maybe he's been watching a bit too much Matrix in his spare time) I wonder if he calls McCain "My Hero"? Who knows. Even if he's trying to smear Obama (which, yeah he is) he could at least try to get one or two credible arguments together. And the way he makes it sound, they will not be able to see Obama for the rest of the entirety of his campaign. Yes, the last...4 days. Since Obama's been campaigning for about a year and a half now, it doesn't seem that big a deal, does it? Maybe he needs some new arguments. You know, ones that don't sound like Republican talking points. But that's what happens in Reality. And as we all know, Reality has a well known liberal bias.

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