Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It's all the media's fault! (well, if you're Republican)

Is it just me, or coincidence: whenever the media reports anything bad about Republicans, especially when it's true, then they always say "The media is obviously biased towards the liberals!" (umm...Fox News, too? Right) Because we all know, as said by Stephen Colbert, "Reality has an obvious liberal bias." Come on, people! I know that you don't particularly LIKE it when the news orgainizations report the, you know, TRUTH, but there is a pretty simple solution to it; stop lying about these things in the first place. This is the age of Factchek.org and Politifact; it's not like those good old days when politicians could say something, and the rest of us would nod and say "Wow! He's done all that? Well, he's a politician and he said it, so it must be true."

Now, having said that, there are things that, no matter where you stand politically, should make your blood boil. Here's one example;

Now after Palin does all of the normal smears against Barak Obama, one of the people in the audience has a delightful suggestion: KILL HIM! And Palin just smiles and says nothing.

Oh, that's wonderful. I mean, it's not like we don't have a very recent history of political figures getting shot by zealots. Well, except for JFK and Lee Harvey Oswold....or Bobby Kennedy and Sirhan Sirhan....or MLK and James Earl Ray....or Ronald Reagan and John Hinkley....hey, maybe we DO have a history of public figures getting killed by zealots. And to not do anything, to not condemn someone yelling to kill a man who's spent most of his adult life in public service...as an American, it makes me deeply shamed.

In Texas, however, the debate over whether or not to teach Intelligent Design is apparently still underway.

For Teaching Intelligent Design: http://www.statesman.com/opinion/content/editorial/stories/10/10/06/1006glanzer_edit.html

Against Teaching Intelligent Design: http://www.statesman.com/news/content/editorial/stories/10/06/1006science_edit.html?cxntlid=inform_artr

Apparently the whole concept of fossils is just a "liberal conspiracy". (don't even get started on those fake dinosaur skeletons hanging in the Smithsonian. I mean, it's not like those people are college educated and know what they're doing). Maybe they're trying to see something like the Da Vinci Code-except for scientists. You know, Darwin, Mendel, and all those who've followed are in on it. Uh huh.....that's it. Look, to all of the propoents of intelligent design; we understand that you'd like nothing better than just the bible to be taught in school, and to dismiss science as "witchcraft", but there's a reason that the Founding Fathers created the First Amendment, which states:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

In other words, even though you'd like for Christianity to be taught in schools, the same right that guarentees your freedom to practice that also guarentees that the government cannot condone any one religion. And since Intelligent Design is a thinly veiled attempt to teach Creationism in schools, it's unconstitutional.

In fact, a man in Kansas decided the same thing, so he created the FSM, or the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster; it was created in response to the hearings that the Kansas School Board were going to have reguarding teaching Intelligent Design in class. If they were going to teach that, then they would have to teach Pastafarianism also-because you have to give equal time to equal "theories" of evolution. (btw, the link to the FSM wikipedia entry is at the bottom of the page)

In another more Kafkian story, a work crew in Austin is having to dig up and refill the same hole everyday. That's right; the contractors have to excavate a hole 20 feet deep, 20 feet long and 20 feet wide every day to get to the sewer lines. Now, that in itself isn't so big-but wait, it gets better. At night, they have to fill it back up. At least half of every twelve hour workday is devoted to digging out the hole that they'd refilled the night before....all so they can keep a street open during the night. Um....is it just me, or does this seem like a large waste of time? To keep making the workers spend half the day digging up something that they have to refill every night? Maybe they should just shut the street down while it's being worked on. That way they wouldn't spend half the day doing something that they'll have to do again....the next day. And the next...and the next.

Well, just buisness as usual, i guess. One step forewards, two steps back. Have fun, everyone!

(here's the link to the FSM wikipedia entry)

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