Friday, June 18, 2010

Dude: I am, therefore I think

It's kind of funny-i'd almost forgotten that this existed. The above blogs are political in tone because.....i made this blog for a politics class. And now it looks like i can use it for whatever i I will :).

So, how to introduce myself? Well, I'm 25, married, and living in Texas. I'm studying to be an accountant-so i can bore myself and others to death for the rest of my natural life. I want to work for either the IRS or FBI (i don't fear the man; i envy his dental plan). I have two loves: my wife and anime. (well, i like more as well, but two just sounds cooler, doesn't it? :))

So.....yeah. There you go. I'll be using this to post whatever random thoughts i have (especially now that i have a droid :)) or where i'll rant and rave get the idea.